These caring group of individuals have guided and sustained Medical Bridges' global health impact. We cherish our board members and thank them for their continued support.

Dr. Patricia Brock

Hayne Blakely

Dr. Peggy Goetz

John Melko

Camilo McAllister

Craig Nunez
Empowering Change
Transforming Lives

Niel Golightly

Bryan Lastrapes

Richard Clark

Dr. Mary Neal

Spurgeon Robinson
outside the box

John Zipprich II
David Satterfield

David Satterfield

Carl Stutts

Walter Ulrich
Making tomorrow
Global Health
Helping Hand for Relief and Development
Dr. Patti Brock Howard & Steve Howard
Halliburtonn Charitable Foundation
Susan & Bryan Lastrapes
Dr. Mary & Ron Neal
Amie & Jeff Springmeyer
Carl Stutts
Pamela & Hayne Blakely
Elizabeth & Drew Kanaly
Craig Nunez
David Perez
Seaplane Crossings
Kim & Michael Weill
John Zipprich II
Debbie & Tom Ayers
William Butler
Rosalind & Alfred Berger Foundation
Chapelwood United Methodist Church
Kim & Scott David
Tapeats Fund
Linda & Joe Fowler
Francis Lederer Foundation
Isla & T.R. Reckling III
SBM Offshore
Texas Children's Hospital
Texas Medical Center
Beth & Walter Ulrich
Advisory Council
Michael E. Ascoli
The Honorable Jose Barillas
Billy Bickford
Jean Bouadou
Gordon Carstens
Jeff Davis
Michele Dearborn
Dr. Tadia Diallo
Michael Dooley
Dr. Raza Farrukh
Elizabeth Hawkins
Cory Kennedy
Michael Kuo
Gene Janiszewski
Edward Laborde
Bryan Lastrapes
Dave Lee
William Lowerre
Honoree Members
Sebastian Blachno